
Synopsis | Each one of us is thrown into the world without a guide book. Some of us are born humans, others, like Rupert, are born earthworms. Some may be born with loads of opportunity, others with less. Regardless, we still need to figure out our place and perhaps find some purpose along the way. Rupert the Earthworm is a story of self-discovery. It's a story of both ignorance and forgiveness. It's a story of one small garden on the north shore of Staten Island where a little piece of nature in the city can remind us of some big lessons.

Rupert the Earthworm is the first of a series of children's books that will be increasingly interconnected with the history, culture, and geography of this great borough. Each story will stand alone but will also be tied to the other books, each providing hints towards a larger story arc. We humble islanders here at Candied Apple Garden hope you join us on this evolving adventure.